Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Random Act of Gratitude #77: Sonya's Daytrip

A few weeks ago, Sonya and I agreed to take a daytrip during the March Break. Good idea, right?

Well, sadly sickness, financial woes, and looming paperwork forced our plans to be modified. Still, Sonya made sure that I got out of the house, into the fresh air, and off we went to Crook's Hollow for an exploratory walkaround.

We wandered around the river there hunting for remains (most of which were un-/poorly-labeled) and making a rather amusing discovery of a large plywood structure painted to look like stones.

We also went on a rather extended hike to discover a Frisbee golf course (excuse me, a Flying Disc course) and took some loverly pictures of the remains of the grist mill.

Sonya was very tolerant of my sniffling and occasional moaning about my sickness, a good sport about meandering around the countryside (sometimes far out of our way), and about dining in a slightly shifty establishment whose spic-n-span tables made the squalor of the bathrooms all the more unexpected. Ha!

Thanks for the needed break, Sonya!

1 comment:

Sonya said...

My pleasure! I really needed the break too. You know, from doing, nothing...