Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Random Act of Gratitude #69: A (Very) Wee One Makes Her Entrance

Alright, this was an entry that kept getting bumped around, but it's going here just because it's time to get it out!

Back on March 3, Keltie gave birth to a wee baby girl, Shaughnessy! It was quite a surprise for Keltie and Andrew, as the due date wasn't until May. Obviously it was difficult, given the preemieness of it all, but I'm happy to report that Mom and the Nibblet are doing well and getting great care.

Keltie is one of my oldest (by our association one with another, not by age) and dearest friends, so seeing her become a mother is both exciting and more than a little bit fascinating. I'm sort of intrigued to see how these early years play out. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no doubt that she and Andrew will be great and loving parents. I've already promised Keltie I'll let her know if I see her at risk of raising a brat.

Congratulations, Keltie and Andrew, and welcome Shaughnessy! I can't wait to get up and see you all.


Keltie said...

Oh, you are the nicest! And I find it funny that you're intrigued by how these first few years will go. Hopefully we won't lose her at the circus or accidentally dye her green or anything.

Thanks for the love, my friend!

Sonya said...

Who's to say Shaughnessy wouldn't look good green?

I am in full agreement, regardless, the she is truly blessed to have you as parents!