Thursday, March 12, 2009

Random Act of Gratitude #71: Cross it off the 'To Do' List

I finally finished the program for the spring show. Why I agreed to do it given the timing (overlapping with report writing) is beyond me.

Is it my finest work ever? No. Is it going to 'wow' anyone with its brilliance? No. Is it decent? Sure. Is it done? Yep.

Cross it off the list. Sigh in relief.

(I also returned to "regular work" today to find another bag of delicious potato chips waiting for me, complete with kidnapper-styled cut-out letters spelling my name on the bag. To the mysterious giver of the gift, I offer my thanks! Consider that #71b.)


Sonya said...

It's beyond me as well...

albie said...

Alright, I've made you suffer long enough... You weren't supposed to guess so soon, you rotter! Twas indeed me. Ha!