Thursday, January 22, 2009

Random Act of Gratitude #22: FringeLore

Part of me is hesitant to make this post, because right now I feel like I've got the inside scoop on one of the best-kept secrets, but the other part of me -- the part that has won -- thinks that this woman deserves all of the promotion I can give. Throughout my communications with her, she has consistently seemed to be an artisan who loves the thought of her work being "out there and appreciated" as much as whatever income it provides.

Over the holidays, I bought some nifty gifts from FringeLore online. Basically, a brilliant woman makes jewelry (mostly) from vintage watch pieces, typewriter keys, and the like. The results are unique and smashing. You really should check them out.

One of the gifts was a fantastic necklace for which, unfortunately, a slightly longer chain was needed. This wasn't exactly a chain I could just pick up locally. I contacted FringeLore, asking if I could purchase an additional length of the chain and then I would see about getting the new segments attached.

Well, the wonderful woman at FringeLore told me to send it down to her and she'd happily lengthen it for me! Today it arrived back in Canada so I was grateful for the lengthening job, for the happy discovery of FringeLore in general, and mostly for the wonderful, warm, friendly manner with which it has all been done. And did I mention that her shipping rates aren't grossly inflated? Thanks!


Keltie said...

Her stuff is fantastic! The Song Birds Assemblage blows me away (of course.) I'm really inspired by her work. I've been leaning toward creating more 3-D pieces like that (although not quite exactly like that) so thanks for the link! Her jewelry is exciting too, and deconstructed typewriters are a really popular material for that kind of thing.

Anonymous said...

And she is genuinely the most gracious person you will ever deal with in an online purchase, I think.