Thursday, January 1, 2009

Random Act of Gratitude #1: Friends

The basic idea here is simple: showcase something every day, whether big or small, for which I am thankful. Although I will usually try to be specific, to kick things off, I'm going to allow myself to be a bit general to start things off. And to that end...

I'm incredibly thankful for the roster of friends whom I have the pleasure of knowing, spending time with, and relying upon. A certain friend of mine recently integrated into yet another human sphere of my life and remarked, "You really have wonderful friends." I agree whole-heartedly.

And so, to the friends from my childhood days, to the friends I've met in recent years, to the friends where I live, to those who live further away, to those who fit into more than one category, and even to those few whom I have never actually met face-to-face but who have somehow become part of my life, thanks!


Keltie said...

Thank YOU! You have all these friends because you yourself are a wonderful friend. I love you!

Anonymous said...

I just need to see some of my friends more frequently, and you are certainly on that list.

Sonya said...

I agree with Keltie, YOU are the common thread in this remarkable life you have that's filled with so many wonderful friends!

And I'm thrilled to be fitting into more than one category and look forward to integrating into many more spheres, as it is most enjoyable!

I'm also happy to play taxi driver if it means the two of you actually seeing each other face to face more than once a year!

Sonya said...

P.S. What an incredibly positive Blog idea - I love it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reminder - a Gratitude Attitude - makes all the difference!

Jackie said...

You say lovely things about your friends! We are all grateful to have you in our lives. You do have lovely friends...I enjoyed reading about those you feel gratitude for!