Saturday, January 17, 2009

Random Act of Gratitude #17: Art and an Artist

Today, was I thankful for many things: a night off work; winter weather that was tolerable (almost pleasant); and the chance to get some reading in.

But the focus of today's entry is the arrival on my front doorstep of Keltie and Andrew for a visit. We went out for lunch and then sat around on my ugly couch chatting. Keltie's one of my longest-standing friends and we don't see each other nearly enough, and I see Andrew even less frequently. It was smashingly good to visit, catch up, and hang out for a few hours.

On top of that, Keltie brought a completely unexpected gift. That's right. Keltie brought me one of her works of art, this mask that she made as part of the 365 Masks project. I finally own one of Keltie's original mask creations! Woohoo!

Thanks for visitng, you two, and thanks for the smashingly wonderful mask!


Anonymous said...

Oooh! What a wonderful gift!!!


Keltie said...

It was so, So, SO fantastic to see you and finally see your house. Andrew and I are in love with your house. We covet it. We are trying to figure out how to steal it from you.

You, though, are even better than your house and it's necessary to see more of you. Thank you for the birthday gift as well, btw!