Thursday, February 5, 2009

Random Act of Gratitude #36: Glynnis Drops By

I had actually made it into the parking lot and was putting my work into the car when Glynnis pulled into the space beside me. Glynnis had dropped by for a visit.

Glynnis visits are always great, and just a little therapeutic, too. Ha!

The Background in Brief:

Glynnis used to work with me, first half-time, then full time, and oh! what times they were! Haha! She still jokes about those days when, after the kids had gone home, I'd wander up into her room, lay down on the piano bench, and we'd chat for a bit before getting back to work.

Then she left me! That's right, she left me! Off she went to work with the Math Curriculum department sharing her vast knowledge and experience with others. Blah, blah, blah.

Still, we've worked together on many projects over they years, and so she hasn't completely abandoned me, I suppose. And now that I'm working one day a week out in the building at which she's based, I will likely see her with at least some regularity.

So, back to today, she magically appeared just as I was leaving. Needless to say, I delayed my departure to head back inside, to chat and catch up, and to generally enjoy the unexpected dropping in of my charming friend and colleague.

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