Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Random Act of Gratitude #104: Official Progress

The office in my house is far from organized, but I can officially declare that sufficient progress has been made for me to actually sit at the desk with the computer and work there. That's right.

Now the neat-freaks out there won't understand at all, I'm sure, but in getting some things organized over the winter, it became necessary to just put things that would end up in the office in the office. That led to a space quite cluttered with "waiting to be organized" stuff.

The neat-freaks still wouldn't understand, if they looked in the room right now, why I would be at all happy. Like I said, it's still got a lot waiting for attention. It's just good that I can now work there and don't have to work at the coffee table or dining room table any more (unless I want to).

Baby steps, people. Baby steps.


Sonya said...

I'm inspired! Maybe I'll unpack my office (since I moved 2 years ago)...

albie said...

Hey, I'm planning to sign a sign in my office: "I'm not messy, I'm creative!"