Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Random Act of Gratitude #125: The Hospitality of Friends

There's been a huge break in Random Acts of Gratitude.

"What?" quoth you. "There has?"

"Indeed," quoth I. "A break of several months?"

"Truly?" quoth you. "Hardly have I noticed."

But yes, dear reader, a close examination of the posting dates will confirm what I say.

The break has not been for want of things to motivate gratitude, but merely that things in life became hectic and then ... well ... inertia.

But here I am, back again, and to set things off, I will express gratitude for a summer blessing.

This summer found me visiting British Columbia, where I was the very thankful guest of some marvellous friends. Thanks to John's excellent hosting, I was able to enjoy a brilliant area of Vancouver as well as many spectacular events and sights. Thanks to Kim, Linda, and the other John, I was able to spend time in the beauty of Bowen. My first trip to the coast was a smashing experience and for their hospitality, I am exceedingly thankful.


Sonya said...

Gee, did NYC suck so much it wasn't even worth a mention? I know there's no mountains or anything but...

Ah well - it's good to have a daily reading to look forward to again regardless!

Jerome said...

Let's revisit that title, shall we?

What does it say?

"The Hospitality of Friends."

Wha'? You mean it doesn't say, "Fantastic Trips I Took This Summer"?

No, it doesn't.

Sonya said...

That's the whole point. The fact that you chose to only recognize your BC trip during such a long break from writing. Sigh...