Sunday, March 29, 2009

Random Act of Gratitude #88: Lumber Mill Days

The summer between teachers' college and working was a rather big one. I had surgery. I had recovery. I moved. I had no idea whether I'd be working in my field at all come fall.

One of my post-recovery jobs that year was at a lumber mill. That's right, a lumber mill. Those of you who know me well know how funny that thought is. The job dropped into my lap through someone that knew my parents. Someone was needed to operate a radial arm saw; I needed a job. Hence I ended up doing the job.

It was not exactly my dream job. Thankfully I had to wear this immense sci-fi filter mask so I could sing to myself all day long and not have anyone hear me. (And I'm not sure that it would have gone over well with some of the folk with which I worked if it had been heard.)

Regardless of whether it was my dream job, though, it was yet another appreciated opportunity provided by someone who wanted to help me out. Thanks, Jim, wherever you may be!

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