Friday, January 23, 2009

Random Act of Gratitude #23: A Cathartic Conversation

I have smashing friends. I think I've already made that clear.

Today, after work, I was heading out of the building where I had attended a meeting a little disappointed that I hadn't bumped into my friend Glynnis, with whom I used to work daily but now see occasionally, usually when I attend meetings in a certain building.

In any case, at the last minute, in she walked and my afternoon was saved. A few of us sat down and had a chat about life, the job, and frustrations therewith. Eventually it was down to Glynnis and I chatting about this, that, and the next thing (which quickly became the previous thing as the next next thing arose) and before I knew it two hours had passed. Two hours on a Friday afternoon! Shocking.

Isn't it great when two hours can fly by and not only do you not notice the time, but you don't mind it in the least? Everyone needs those types of friends with which to converse.

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